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Youngho Chaa cha cha

Changes in Google Cloud Run Deployment Behavior and a Workaround for Custom CI/CD Pipelinesr

google cloud, CLI1 min read

Google Cloud Run has been a popular choice for deploying containerized applications quickly and easily on Google Cloud Platform. However, a recent change in the default behavior of the gcloud run deploy command has left some users with broken deployment pipelines. In this blog post, we will discuss this change, its impact on custom CI/CD pipelines, and a workaround to ensure smooth deployments.


Starting from March 8, 2023, Google Cloud Run has altered the default behavior of the gcloud run deploy command. The command now automatically runs the npm build script (npm run build) even if you do not specify it. This change was made to improve the performance of deployments.

However, this modification has led to issues in some CI/CD pipelines that deploy to Google Cloud using gcloud run deploy. In these cases, the pipelines began to fail due to the automatic execution of the npm run build script. The issue arises because not all files are available at the point when the build script runs. In many custom CI/CD environments, the application is already built and only the compiled files are uploaded. As a result, running the "npm build" script again is not necessary and leads to errors.


To resolve this issue and ensure that your custom CI/CD pipelines continue to function correctly, you can add an empty build command to your package.json file. This will override the default behavior of the gcloud run deploy command and prevent it from executing the npm run build script automatically.

To do this, simply add the following line to the "scripts" section of your package.json file:

"gcp-build": ""

By including this empty command, you effectively instruct Google Cloud Run to skip the build step during the deployment process.

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