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Youngho Chaa cha cha

My JavaScript / TypeScript Recipes

javascript, typescript8 min read


You have an object with deep hierarchy and want to see the values. The usual console.log will show only the values of the immediate children. Instead, use

console.dir(response, { depth: null })

Unicode Normalisation

You can normalise diacritic characters and strip out special characters.

Unicode Normalization Form D (NFD) is one of the four Unicode normalization forms defined by the Unicode Standard. NFD stands for Normalization Form D (Canonical Decomposition). The purpose of Unicode normalization is to provide a unique and consistent representation of equivalent Unicode strings that might have different byte sequences but represent the same text.

In NFD, a Unicode string is transformed into a fully decomposed form, which means that it represents precomposed characters (characters with diacritic marks or other combining characters) as their base characters followed by the separate combining characters (such as accents or other diacritics). This decomposition is done based on canonical equivalence as defined by the Unicode Standard.

For example, consider the character "é" (U+00E9, LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE). In NFD, it would be decomposed into its base character "e" (U+0065, LATIN SMALL LETTER E) followed by the combining acute accent "´" (U+0301, COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT): "e´".

Using NFD can be helpful when performing text processing tasks such as sorting, searching, matching, or removing diacritics, as it allows for a more uniform representation of equivalent strings and easier manipulation of text

const original = 'Café';
const decomposed = original.normalize('NFD');
console.log(decomposed); // Output: Café

cf. u0300 - u036f

The Unicode code points between U+0300 and U+036F belong to a block called "Combining Diacritical Marks." This block contains non-spacing combining characters (diacritics) that are used to modify the appearance of the base characters they are combined with. Combining characters do not have any spacing or width on their own, and they are visually combined with the preceding base character.

Some common examples of combining diacritical marks in this range include:

  • U+0300: Combining Grave Accent (̀)
  • U+0301: Combining Acute Accent (́)
  • U+0302: Combining Circumflex Accent (̂)
  • U+0303: Combining Tilde (̃)
  • U+0304: Combining Macron (̄)
  • U+0306: Combining Breve (̆)
  • U+0307: Combining Dot Above (̇)
  • U+0308: Combining Diaeresis (̈)
  • U+030A: Combining Ring Above (̊)
  • U+030B: Combining Double Acute Accent (̋)
  • U+030C: Combining Caron (̌)

These combining diacritical marks are used in various languages and scripts to modify the base characters' pronunciation, meaning, or other aspects. In Unicode normalization, these combining

const slugify = (s: string) => s
.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '')
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '')
.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();

Replace multiple white spaces with one

Sometimes, you want to replace multiple white spaces with just one. This regular expression will do that job

sentence.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')

Split Number into individual digits

// functional
const digits = n.toString().split('').map(Number)
// procedural. better for algorithm test
function getNext(n: number): number {
let sum = 0
while (n > 0) {
const d = n % 10
sum += d ** 2
n = Math.floor(n / 10)
return sum

Empty object of an interface

Use <>{} to create an empty object of a type

it('should return the list of jobs given companyId', async () => {
const event = <APIGatewayProxyEvent>{}
Object.assign(event, getJobGraphQlEvent)
const result = (await graphqlJobs(
() => {}
)) as APIGatewayProxyResult
data: { job },


Sorting array with date

import _ from 'lodash';
const conversations = [
{ title: 'title 1', createdAt: '2023-11-13T15:28:53.278Z' },
{ title: 'title 2', createdAt: '2023-11-10T15:28:53.278Z' }
// Convert createdAt to a Date object and then sort
const sortedConversations = _.orderBy(
[(conversation) => new Date(conversation.createdAt)],
// Get the latest conversation
const latestConversation = sortedConversations[0];

In JavaScript, when comparing date strings in ISO format (like "2023-11-13T15:28:53.278Z"), you can usually rely on lexicographical (string) comparison for sorting, because the ISO format is designed to be lexicographically sortable. This means that a simple string comparison will often correctly order the dates from earliest to latest or vice versa.


The some() method tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided function. It returns true if, in the array, it finds an element for which the provided function returns true; otherwise it returns false.

const oneDomain = policyArr.some((item) => item === "block");
const allDomains = policyArr.every((item) => item === "block");
return { oneDomain, allDomains };
{ oneDomain: true, allDomains: false }

Utility Types


You can create a new type that has all the same fields as an existing type but with all fields optional by using the Partial<T> utility type.

type User = {
id: number
name: string
email: string
type OptionalUser = Partial<User>

Object functions


The Object.keys() static method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable string-keyed property names.

const domains = {
"": { policy: "block" },
"": { policy: "none" },
"": { policy: "none" },
const numDomains = Object.keys(domains).length; // O(1)


A static method that copies all enumerable properties from one or more source objects to a target object.

it('should return the list of jobs given companyId', async () => {
const event = <APIGatewayProxyEvent>{}
Object.assign(event, getJobGraphQlEvent)
const result = (await graphqlJobs(
() => {}
)) as APIGatewayProxyResult
data: { job },

But in ES 6, you can use spread operator.

const allEvents = [, ...getJobGraphQlEvents]


Enumerate key, value pairs of an object

let searchCondition: SearchCondition = 'all';
let searchValue: string | number = '';
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(ev.queryStringParameters)) {
if (value && searchParams[key as keyof typeof searchParams]) {
searchCondition = searchParams[key as keyof typeof searchParams] as SearchCondition;
searchValue = key === 'warrantyYear' ? parseInt(value) : value;

import json

import * as data from './example.json';
const word =;
console.log(word); // output 'testing'

Get missing properties from an object

export function validateForMissingProperties<T extends Object>(
request: T,
expectedProperties: string[]
): [string[], string] {
function deepCheck(obj: any, property: string): boolean {
const parts = property.split('.');
let current = obj;
for (const part of parts) {
if (!(part in current)) {
return false;
current = current[part];
return true;
const missingProperties = expectedProperties.filter(prop => !deepCheck(request, prop))
return [
'The following fields are missing: ' + missingProperties.join(', ')

Generic Type Parameter <T>:

The <T> here is a generic type parameter that TypeScript uses. By including T extends Object, we're saying that the type T should be some sort of object, but we don't know its exact shape. This allows us to use the getMissingProperties function with any object type and still get type checking benefits.

request: T: This is the object you're checking. Its type is T, which will be inferred from wherever you call the function.

expectedProperties: string[]: This is an array of strings representing property names (including nested ones) that you expect to exist on the request object.

The deepCheck Helper Function:

This internal function is used to recursively check if a property (or nested property) exists within an object:

obj: The current object you're checking.

property: The property you're looking for, which can include dots for nested properties.

Inside this function, it splits the property string by the dot (.) to get each level of nested property and checks each part one by one against the object.

Main Function Logic:

This code takes the array of expectedProperties and filters out those properties that do exist on the request object. It uses the deepCheck function to determine the existence of each property. If deepCheck returns false (meaning the property doesn't exist), the property will be included in the final array that the function returns.

Calling await function within a loop

Use Promise.all()

export async function getUsers (page: number, pageSize: number)
: Promise<[User[], string, string]> {'getting all users...')
try {
const users = await selectUsersMongo(page, pageSize)
const usersWithCognitoInfo =
await Promise.all( (user, i) => {
const cognitoUser = await selectUserCognito(
if (!cognitoUser) {
logger.warn(`a user not found at Cognito by email: ${} / userId: ${user.userId}`)
return {
userStatus: cognitoUser?.UserStatus || 'UNKNOWN',
return [
} catch (error) {
return [[], '500', (error as Error).message]

lambda functions


Basically, you can do anything with reduce.

Flattening object arrays

const nodes = nodeData
(acc, curr) => [...acc, ...curr.nodes],

Handling error

error object has a message property. Depending on the package you use, it can have optional name or cause property. AWS SDK throws name and message on error

error [ResourceAlreadyExistsException: The specified log stream already exists]
export async function createLogStreamIfNotExists(logStreamName: string) {
try {
await logClient.send(new CreateLogStreamCommand({
logGroupName: cloudWatchLogGroupName,
logStreamName: logStreamName,
catch (e: any) {
if ( !== 'ResourceAlreadyExistsException') {
throw e


You can remove duplicate items in an array of objects using filter and set

function removeDuplicates(arr, key) {
const seen = new Set();
return arr.filter(item => {
if (!seen.has(item[key])) {
return true;
return false;
// Example usage
const data = [
nodeType: 'account',
id: '1000',
label: 'Sam'
nodeType: 'account',
id: '1001',
label: 'Yo'
nodeType: 'account',
id: '1000',
label: 'Sam'
const uniqueData = removeDuplicates(data, 'id');
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